Our Vision

INFINITE aims at developing beyond state-of-the art in-finite platforms to predict long-term health benefit or hazard associated with materials, chemicals, drugs and other forms that can affect human beings by coupling in-vitro advanced sensorial devices and in-silico time propagators to replace animal-based testing and meet the future of personalized medicine


Infinite d.o.o. is a spin-out company of the Jožef Stefan Institute with officially transferred intellectual property.

Using our many domestic and international connections, we all have access to the most advanced procedures and methods with which we can solve even the most enigmatic problems.

We have a formal cooperation with the Jožef Stefan Institute, within which we share access to research equipment, including access to rare, expensive but very powerful research devices in the field of molecular and physical sciences.

We have established our own development and research infrastructures at our headquarters in Maribor, Slovenia.


Our technology stems from the research work of researchers from the Jožef Stefan Institute and the European consortium SmartNanoTox between 2018-2020, which created the breakthrough knowledge.


We shared the newly discovered mechanisms and proof-of-concept of the prediction model with all researchers through an open access publication in the prestigious journal of Advanced Materials, which triggered a rush of media responses in the form of nearly 120 post-publications by many global regulators.


European comission

Our prediction of chronic inflammation without animal testing represents the first solution on a global scale and was also highlighted by the European Commission!

Since 2014, the European Commission has been striving to reduce and eliminate the use of animals for safety testing, and is therefore adapting the legislative framework. ECHA already allows proposals for alternative testing methods, and ECVAM takes care of the validation of these ideas. 

reach legislation

With the development of advanced materials, the requirements for safety testing are increasing. From 2019, testing of material modifications is also mandatory as part of changes to REACH legislation. Namely, the safety of modifications does not follow the safety of the source materials.

Regulators’ guidelines point to the need to develop new alternative testing methods. INFINITE-µIND technology addresses the efforts of policymakers and regulators to eliminate animal testing and introduce alternative methods. Infinite was the first to develop an alternative method to predict acute, subacute and chronic inflammation due to inhaled particles.

alternative methods

Regulators’ guidelines point to the need to develop new alternative testing methods. INFINITE-µIND technology addresses the efforts of policymakers and regulators to eliminate animal testing and introduce alternative methods. Infinite was the first to develop an alternative method to predict acute, subacute and chronic inflammation due to inhaled particles.

INFINITE-µIND opens up completely new possibilities for all those who have to or will have to test the safety of materials and chemicals under REACH legislation.

Our researchers

" Infinite consists of researchers who aim to change the market for testing the safety of materials, chemicals and medicines. "


An example of why our testing is so important is anatase TiO2, which can be converted to nano cubes or nano tubes at similar temperatures. Nano cubes are a completely safe form of TiO2, while nano tubes trigger chronic inflammation. Our INFINITE-µIND technology is the first to enable affordable, rapid, and efficient testing of many material modification at various stages of development.